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Old 05-07-2024, 08:29 PM
David John Davis
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I have been without motor transport for much of the last week. As a result, yesterday morning I found myself without milk or bread after breakfast. My trusty VW LT28 van has developed an oil leak. It turns out to be a gasket somewhere in the bowels of the engine. Having dismantled the engine, my mechanic, who is a fellow Englishman, received a message from relatives in England informing him that his mother was dying. He left for England yesterday and is unlikely to be back before the end of the month.

Consequently I have spent much of the last week recommissioning my fifty year-old P6 Rover. Apart from a minor weep from the petrol pump and main beam not working the car has been a delight to drive. I'll sort out the minor problems if it stays dry.

On the aeromodelling front I am due to support my Belgian mate Frans this morning. Having gone solo for the first time in April he crashed his Radio Queen on take off about ten days ago by trying to take off with insufficient ground speed. Between us we've repaired it. I also received my Laser 50 engine yesterday which I bought on eBay. It's in fine condition but it is missing the slow running jet. That's not a problem because I have a spare carburettor, The organisers of La Coupe Des Barons are considering my request to have all of the four-stroke Barons fly together in the same group. The sound of up to ten four strokes in the air at the same time will be amazing!

I have a busy day in prospect, after the usual dog walking, shave, shower and breakfast and flying with Frans, there's a four-course lunch in the village for all of the old people. Today is a national holiday in France, it commemorates the end of the Second World War. They say there is no free lunch. There is in my village. Every Christmas and every 8th May if you're old enough!

Tomorrow is Ascension Day so France will be closed for two successive days. Good job I was able to stock up with provisions yesterday once I'd got the old car going.

1974 2200SC P6 Rover.

1998 VW LT 28 van with little brother.