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ParkZone Spitfire Mk IX !!!

Old 06-30-2011, 03:09 PM
Saburo Sakai
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Default ParkZone Spitfire Mk IX !!!

She's got 4 (four) 20 mm. Hispano Cannon to blast the Luftwaffe!!! And, unfortunately,snag the grass on belly landings. So use those gear!

I knew that Horizon Hobby must monitor the airwaves here (or else they think along the same lines), as it was just this past winter I and Mad Web, on the Spitfire thread,mentioned how a Mk. V or Mark IX or maybe Mark XII would be sweet: the IX and XII meeting the Focke Wulff 190 on equal or even superior terms, according to the pilots who fought in these noble birds, particularly the leading allied ace, Johnnie Johnson (his book <u>Wing Leader</u> is a great read)..

With this noble bird I can blast Mad Web out of the skies with ease, and strafe his hangars with impunity!
Thank you, ParkZone!
Old 07-01-2011, 11:59 AM
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Default RE: ParkZone Spitfire Mk IX !!!

Sakai, WOW!!! WAY TO GO!!! There you are sitting right on my six! I never even knew what hit me, very bad SA (situational awareness)!

Even though my Messerschmitts have you comfortably outnumbered 3-1, I think I can steal one of those new Spits and carefully slip in on you like I am a perfectly safe comrad untill it is too late and send you on your way to "Davy Jones' locker."

Then there is my Hurricane that my favorite Hobby shop said should be available for action before that new Spitfire can even get off the ground. Yes, knowing what I know now as a result of the experiences with the PZ Thunderbolt, my new Mk. IX will not only be "full house," but will enjoy a 40 amp ESC, and a 12X8 E APC for better than scale performance. I am addicted to F-15 like take offs, sorry about that.

More latter, rolling in to attack!


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Old 07-01-2011, 12:29 PM
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Default RE: ParkZone Spitfire Mk IX !!!

Hey Sakai, congratulations on your new Ace thread! The prior situation indicated in a secret communique has evidently been taken care of by our special forces.

The enemy is now in full retreat!

Out! __________________________________________________ _______ FIGHTERS - AVIATION'S ULTIMATE CALL TO GLORY, HONOR, AND IMMORTALITY - Please see immortality Promoting Blog - Rom. 2.
Old 07-26-2011, 07:22 PM
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Default RE: ParkZone Spitfire Mk IX !!!

Was worried those optional retracts wouldn't totally retract inside the wing after watching the HHvideo, but it looks like they do. This is one sweet looking bird, as lovely as the mosquito. Flyers, remember to file your flight reports here, immediatly!!!
Old 07-26-2011, 09:54 PM
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Default RE: ParkZone Spitfire Mk IX !!!

[8D] Very good Sir. Typing "PZ Spitfire Mk-IX videos" into good search engines brings up a lot of flying you will surely find facinating. With its larger than scale tail feathers, I suspect it is going to be a really great aerobatics flyer under conditions that tend to blow our more scale fighters off course so easily. It should also be practical to push the CG a little further aft for fewer flip overs. Yes, I reacted emotionally negatively at first but have settled down nicely now with the realization that we will have yet another conversation starter and teaching aid that wouldn't be available if little scale surfaces had been used on the Spit.

Hey, congratulations on your new Cub. Now you can fly in some wind. Yes, we are looking for some flight reports. You will be amazed at how much more relaxing your new machine will be over the safer smaller ships flown in marginal wind conditions.


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Old 07-28-2011, 08:21 PM
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Default RE: ParkZone Spitfire Mk IX !!!


Old 07-29-2011, 01:56 PM
mad web tv scientist
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Default RE: ParkZone Spitfire Mk IX !!!

TALLYHO Sanai! Those two videos are my favorites! Thank you very much! Loved that three point landing. Looks like it is going to be ready to help celebrate the Battle of Britain in September. I wish we could say as much for the Hurricane that I have already prepaid for!

Finally got my PC to work just today. It was knocked out of action for quite some time but now seems ready to stay in the fight for the duration.

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Old 08-27-2011, 09:54 AM
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Default RE: ParkZone Spitfire Mk IX !!!

WOW!!! Sinai, you OWN this thread with all of those fantastic videos! I could easily go over my megabite limit just enjoying your videos! But I promise to try to keep myself under better control than normal in order to have enough resources left to be able to afford more irresistable PZ stuff.

I was checking the thread (I always watch your videos when visiting this thread) to see if the new Spit comes with the same battery as the P-47. The Thunderbolt battery works perfectly in my new SE5 and it would be nice to be able to look forward to having a backup. That dandy 2200mAh 25C battery can easily haul the RAF machine straight up even when the battery charge is down to storage level! Of course, this feat can't be done with the stock "cruise prop" but I must use the lower pitch, larger diameter "climb straight up prop." Yes, my Spit will be capable of the same or better performance.

You may have noticed that the ad now says that the Spitfire is due mid September. Unlike the Hurricane that is now out of action for Battle of Britain festivities, I hope the new Spitter will arrive in time to turn the tide. If not, we will have to celebrate with our now clearly out classed Mk.IIs.

Rolling in to attack!

FIGHTERS - AVIATION'S ULTIMATE CALL TO GLORY, HONOR, AND IMMORTALITY - Please see immortality promoting Blog - Rom. 2.
Old 09-02-2011, 10:22 AM
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Default RE: ParkZone Spitfire Mk IX !!!

[sm=cry_smile.gif][sm=lol.gif] SCRAMBLE!!!

She is such a beauty that I am simply going to have to buy another one, take a lot more time removing dead wood so that the retracts that I ordered but didn't receive yet can be installed in a minimum weight airframe.

My PC has been acting up badly today both here and on Facebook as well. With all the security scanning I have been doing today maybe it has settled down, for now.

Having owned my very own PZ Mk IX Spitfire for over a day with lots of measuring, tuning, reinforcing, ect., as I was just about to load the ship into the aircraft carrier to haul it to its maiden flight zone, suddently I noticed a serious flaw in its design. There was no way for cooling air to flow through and exit the plane! I spent about two hours boring holes in the wing from inside the plane to the exit side of the radiators which provided about as much air flow capability as is standard on the PZ P-47.

Since this is important for serious flying performance please spread the word to all new Spitter owners. I'll report on my Spit maiden later.


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Old 09-03-2011, 09:22 AM
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Default RE: ParkZone Spitfire Mk IX !!!


Horizon has been notified of the air cooling problem with the new Spitfire Mk IX. My next airframe will not only have holes "drilled" in the wing to the exit area of the wing radiators using a small triangle sawtoothed shaped and sharpened 1/8 inch diameter metal tube, but will also use a larger tube to drill out the inside of the fuselage to allow air to exit from the control slits and holes in the tail

Be back in a minute or so.

Okay, now that the "sorry . . .timed out" enemy has been shaken off my tail, let's get on with the fight to save the Spit. What a tragety it would be if such a beautiful bird were to be destroyed before it could even get off the ground!

In order for the drilling operation mission to allow heated air to exit the tail section of the plane, it is necessary to remove the cowl, and the motor so the drill tube can operate on the tail section of the plane. I twist, gouge. and poke my way to victory. Be careful to not tear through the left side of the fuselage where the tolerance is a bit marginal. Keeping the tube centered until the very last part of the operation and then steering the tube to the right works well because of the hard plastic tail wheel area that can prevent puncturing the right side of the fuselage in that area.

In my case the receiver and pushrods are removed. This also allows some "dead wood" in the center of the fuselage to be removed. The neat thing about the dead weight of the spinner "nut" (?) is that while it is out of the plane it can not only be ground down in the middle to remove excess weight but with the hole all the way through it is very practical to balance it using a magnetic balancer. My CALL TO GLORY web site shows how I did this with Messerschmitts.

If the current situation were to continue, it would be appropriate to say, "Just Fly for a little while." I love this airplane and, therefore, with my modifications I can joyfully proclaim it is my, "Just Fly at any altitude for the rest of my life fighter."


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Old 09-03-2011, 12:55 PM
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Default RE: ParkZone Spitfire Mk IX !!!

Good to know you've put out such noble efforts to keep the bird from bursting into flames, Mad Web. Alas, turn around and look at your six: yes, that's a Foke Wulff 190 D-9 with Jumo inline from aJunkers 88 shoehorned in the nose and, yes, those little yellow bursts of flame you see spouting from the wings and the cowling are my cannon firing at you, and yes, I can seeyour Spitty shuddering now as I riddle her with cannon shells; oh, so sorry about thatMad Web but there's a war on afterall you know, duty calls and all that. I'll put in a call toyour beloved Fighter Command and request they send a flying boat your way. If you've survived.
Bis spater!
Love and fine German bullets,
Hans Gruber, Luftwaffe JG 26
Old 09-03-2011, 01:37 PM
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Default RE: ParkZone Spitfire Mk IX !!!

[sm=48_48.gif] SO, IT WAS YOU AFTER ALL! Sneaking up on a maiden flight and causing my new Spit to tear itself apart like you did is surely an unpardonable dastardly deed! Here I was so proudly flying and attempting to trim the obviously badly out of trim ship suffering from flight control fixation while thinking that it was nothing more than my mistake of failing to kick right rudder while throttling up that caused the snap roll to the left and my inability to pull out at such low altitude. Since I (or an imitator) has obviously survived yesterday's disaster I am reminded to have much better SA in future engagements!

Must sign off for now, do more security scans and survive to fight another day.

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Old 09-03-2011, 07:56 PM
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Default RE: ParkZone Spitfire Mk IX !!!

Enjoy your stroll behind enemy lines and pray we do not apprehend you and introduce you to one of our oppressive Luftstalage.

Your victorious nemesis,
Leutnant Gruber, JG. 26, 3 Gruppe
Old 09-04-2011, 10:07 PM
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Default RE: ParkZone Spitfire Mk IX !!!

Sakai, You and the Nazis don't have a chance. The French underground is treating me like royalty compliments of my heroic action with the Lafayette Escadrille and my fighting skill with a secret SE5 in WWI. The former Captain Georges Thenault CO of my unit has pulled out all the stops to get me back across enemy lines. Moving out of radio range, Out.


The beautiful Aviation goddess body of the new Mk IX must not suffer any visable holes in its scale fuselage or dire consequences will be forthcoming! The best way to intencify the Spitfire's beauty is to carefully drill holes as described earlier and install soda straw tubes between the back area of the wing radiators and the inside of the fuselage with nothing visible except holes when looking in the back side of the radiators. Four on each side should work nicely. I am also installing soda straw tubes in the rudder hinge area on the right side with the tubes inserted and CA glued in place so that air can exit from that hollowed out area.

Rolling in to attack.

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FIGHTERS - AVIATION'S ULTIMATE CALL TO GLORY, HONOR, AND IMMORTALITY - Please see immortality promoting Blog - Rom. 2.
Old 09-06-2011, 05:36 PM
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Default RE: ParkZone Spitfire Mk IX !!!

I should thinkthat with all the fine German bullet and cannon shell holes I drilled into your Spitfire with myFW 190, Mad Web,you should have no ventillation problems whatsoever

Deutschland Uber Alles.
Old 09-06-2011, 07:34 PM
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Default RE: ParkZone Spitfire Mk IX !!!

Someone has received theirs and he made a detailed Video of the Unpacking plus flights!




photo set of installing the retracts.
Old 09-07-2011, 08:49 AM
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Default RE: ParkZone Spitfire Mk IX !!!

[sm=lol.gif][sm=cry_smile.gif] Your right, it's nothing personal, there is a war on and you only killed me because I needed killing. I was distracted again by my web hackers that evidently were really hacked off at me for out maneuvering them yesterday. I tried to post a Federal Government DOT report about the fuel milage increases that are possible using on board ELECTROLYSIS OF WATER that totally exposes the government suppression of the truth. brings up what the the regime wanted but failed to hide.

My PC is taking some hits now in spite of all the counter measures that have been employed.


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Old 09-07-2011, 09:39 AM
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Default RE: ParkZone Spitfire Mk IX !!!

[sm=lol.gif][sm=cry_smile.gif] Your work impresses me so much I find myself wanting to cry or maybe even sending you a gratuity in appreciation. The one that really got me was the special sound effects with the 109 flight. Then there were the reports about the special on board sound effect used on the big fighters - totally awesome!

Thanks again for everything! Modeling is surely about to explode on the scene as an unstoppable force for good and I can't help but think of you as a major player.

Rolling in to attack.


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Old 09-08-2011, 04:01 AM
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Default RE: ParkZone Spitfire Mk IX !!!

Hum, I guess no one is there?

Okay, I give you the pictures!!!!

Thank you Gerry for helping me assembly my new Park Zone Spitfire!!

Old 09-08-2011, 04:07 AM
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Default RE: ParkZone Spitfire Mk IX !!!

Well guys,

Looks like the earliest "maiden attempt" will be Friday morning at my East Coast RC Club as the winds will be very low and hopefully the field would be relatively dried off by then as we have been getting lots of rain.

Stay tuned!!!
Old 09-08-2011, 09:08 AM
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Default RE: ParkZone Spitfire Mk IX !!!

Spitfire impressionante! You've GOT to read Johnnie Johnson's great book, <u>Wing Leader</u> (I posted Amazon links on the other Spitty thread).Johnson was in the fight from Dunkirk to the fall of the Reich, and blasted the Nazis solidly with 38 single-seat fighters downed. It is both a goodaction and historical read. A great man of freedom, Johnnie Johnson.
Fly on......
Old 09-11-2011, 08:39 AM
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Default RE: ParkZone Spitfire Mk IX !!!

Flight Summary:

I had so much fun with this model early this morning that I ran 5 batteries (5 Flights) through it and unbelievable flight manners!!!

Control Settings:
Completely as it came out from the box and I did not have anything set for expo, however, a little more UP elevator travel would have been nice to avoid the dreaded nose over on grass landing but, for some reason the last two landings (not on Video) were perfect as I found a shorter patch of grass and brought her in with a little more airspeed and she did not nose over.

I am SUPER HAPPY and PLEASED on this model's flight characteristics that I am going to keep her exactly like she is now. The Retracts really are not missed as the STOCK Fixed gear wire does not stick so much out and you can hardly noticed the gear when she flying, at least comparing it to others like the P-47.

A few high res pictures from my Buddy's (Gerry's) Digital SLR Camera. (Thanks Gerrry!)

Old 09-11-2011, 08:43 AM
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Default RE: ParkZone Spitfire Mk IX !!!

Here's my VIDEO!! Thanks again Gerry!!!

Old 09-11-2011, 02:07 PM
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Default RE: ParkZone Spitfire Mk IX !!!

Here are a few pictures with my inexpensive Canon Power Shot A590 with 4X optical zoom after flight operations and subsequent cleaning of the model.

Old 09-11-2011, 02:23 PM
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Default RE: ParkZone Spitfire Mk IX !!!

ORIGINAL: guapoman2000....
A smile like that should warrant Court-ordered 'medication', and possible 'incarceration', in most states.

Here's some news I thought would be of interest to my fellow warbird enthusiasts.....

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
American film and television actor Clifford Parker "Cliff" Robertson, III died in NY yesterday.

"....One of Robertson's main hobbies was flying and, among other aircraft, he owned several de Havilland Tiger Moths, a Messerschmitt Bf 108 and a genuine World War II era Mk.IX Supermarine Spitfire MK923. He even entered balloon races, including one in 1964 from the mainland to Catalina Island that ended with him being rescued from the Pacific Ocean. A certified private pilot, Robertson was a longtime member of the Experimental Aircraft Association, working his way through the ranks in prominence and eventually co-founding the EAA's Young Eagles program, on which he chaired from its 1992 inception to 1994 (succeeded by former test pilot Gen. Chuck Yeager).

Robertson was airborne and piloting a private Beechcraft Baron directly over New York City on the morning of September 11, 2001. He was directly over the World Trade Center, climbing through 7,500 feet, when the first Boeing 767 struck. He was ordered by air traffic control to land immediately at the nearest airport following a nationwide order to ground all civilian and commercial aircraft following the attacks.-"

Relevant links of interest....

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